Fronteiras Theatre company creates theatre pieces that explore multiple cultures, languages and traditions and the points where they intersect in performance. The word Fronteiras means 'borders' in Portuguese and comes from the place where the company founder and director, Flavia d'Alvia grew up.
At Edinburgh Fringe 2012 I came on board to help re-design a popular coffee logo for one of their plays, part of a three piece 'dinner course' called Theatre Tasters which made up the entire show.
The play was called Team Player and looked at the corporate values in large coffee company chains and capitalism. Set in a make believe coffee shop called Buckanero's (a combination of Starbucks and Cafe nero) we are introduced to three employees and their heartless boss:
Are you a loyal person?
I am a very loyal person
Boss: Are you a hard-working person?
Applicant: I am a very hard-working person.
Boss: Are you a service-minded person?
Applicant: I am indeed a service-minded person.
Boss: Are you an easy-going, happy-clappy, spirited, cheery,
customer-friendly, lovely person?
I am a very, very easy-going, happy-clappy,
spirited, cheery, customer-friendly, lovely person.
Boss: Are you a real person?
Applicant: Yes, I would say that I am a rather real person.
And are you passionately devoted to pigeon shit?
Applicant: I am passionately devoted to pigeon shit.
All kinds of pigeon shit?
Applicant: All kinds of pigeon shit.
My starting point was to do some research on the origins of the
Starbucks Logo.
Present Official Version of the Starbucks Logo |
In Greek Mythology sirens were beautiful sea nymphs - half woman half bird or fish - who lured sailors to their death with their bewitching and beautiful singing voices. Starbucks make out that she is their muse “always there inspiring and pushing ahead…She stands
unbound, sharing our stories, inviting us to explore, to find something new and
to connect with each other and as always she is urging us forward to the next
thing. After all, who can resist her?”
.jpg) |
2nd Official Version of the Starbucks Logo |
The First part of the name ‘Star’ insinuates that the siren or mermaid is royal and that Starbucks' coffee is good quality/the best/Luxury. The circle normally is a symbol for the sun/woman/egg/fertility. The sexual connotations suggests the things we want, not the things we need and the smile on her face suggests we trust her.
I always
thought that at the side of her were her hands but those are her tails.
can’t swim with two tails...
Some think
that she is spreading her legs sexually.
And some think
they look like the devil's hooves or that her hands are doing the Peace
Sign. The Peace sign comes from ancient Runes symbolizing death and the sign is also known as The Broken Cross, Crow’s Foot or The Witches
Foot and is used on Nazi Graves.
Nazis were
enthusiasts of the Master Race where everyone was the same...
-Starbucks has hundreds of identical shops all over the world.
This is a symbol of Satan - notice the stars.
original Logo back in 1971 looked like this.
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Original Official Version of the Starbucks Logo |
Upside down the siren looks like this...
devouring a woman.
It also
used to be Brown. Now the Green is ironic to the second part of the name
‘Bucks’ - Green American Money.
3rd Version of Starbucks Logo |
I decided to incorporate an animal into my revision of the logo, such a a bird or a dog to tie in with references in the play. I also wanted to make clear what the woman is and represents.
dog latte art
At the end of the play the employee is likened
to a puppy dog. |
pigeon latte art |
Pigeon |
Incorporating the pigeon shit |
Incorporating the pigeon shit |
Looking at incorporating Fronteiras
theatre comany's universal /cultural value
Looking at incorporating Fronteiras
theatre comany's universal /cultural value |
Opting for the mermaid and pigeon shit |
opting for the two tailed mermaid with pigeon shit |
Transforming the mermaid into a pirate |
Making the pirate more like the siren |
Opting to just show her top half |
Final Design |
Creating a stencil of the logo to transfer onto the skin tight costumes for the show. |
Final Result |
Final Result |
Review 1
Review 2
Love the new logo it crack me up you sure you want to go with a that type of bird. I think it should be a dove!!!!!!!! ;)